


Reporting dizziness and pain, he told medical workers at the airport he had b農會土地貸款een sprayed with a chemical.

Malaysia on Wednesday performed an autopsy債務整合銀行 over the strong objections of North Korea, which asserted sovereignty over the body of its citizen and says it should have a say in what happens next.

Howe嘉義房貸銀行ver, senior Malaysian police official Abdul Samah Mat denied that the second autopsy had新竹借款 taken place.

He asked that his name not be used because he was not authoriz農地抵押貸款ed to speak to the media.

He died while being taken to a hospital.


The death of Kim, the exiled half-brother of 新車車貸利率多少新車貸條件North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, has unleashed a torrent of speculation, tales of intrigue and新竹代書借款 explosive, unconfirmed reports from dueling nations.


While South Korea has blamed North Korea for a slew of notable assassinations or attempted killings in past decades, the North often denies involvement or simply does not comment.

He said the results of the first autopsy were not yet released.

North Korea vowed to新車全額貸條件 reject the results o新竹小額借款f any post-mortem.

Speaking to reporters outside the morgue late on Friday, Pyongyang’s ambassador said Malaysian officials might be “trying to conceal something” and “colluding with hostil義務役貸款e嘉義貸款 forces.”

Kim Jong-nam, who was 45 or 46 and had lived in exile for years, suddenly fell ill at農會貸款試算 Kuala Lumpur International Airport on Monday as he waited for a flight home to Macau.

A Malaysian official 匯豐汽車貸款部with knowledge of the investigation said medical workers started a second autopsy on Friday night, because results of the first one were inconclusive.

Malaysia has arrested four people so far, the latest a man carrying an ID that identified him as 46-year-old Ri Jong-chol. H新竹商銀個人信貸e農會貸款程序 was picked up on Friday night.微型創業鳳凰貸款

Authorities were still trying to piece to農地持分貸款gether details o當鋪借錢f the case.

South Korea 農會貸款條件has accused its enemies in North Korea of dispatching a hit squad to kill Kim Jong-nam at the airport in Kuala Lumpur, saying two female assassins poisoned him and then fled in a taxi.

農會土地借貸Malaysian police were questioning four suspects, Aisyah, another woman who carried a Vietnamese passport; a man they said is Aisyah’s boyfriend; and the North Korean man.

A dispute over custody of a slain North Korean’s body yesterday pushed two governments further apart as they tried to navigate the aftermath of what appeared to be 新竹哪裡可以借錢the assassination of an outcast member of North Korea’s ruling elite.


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